It’s not climate change, It’s God

It’s not climat change
It’s God

The air in LA , when I first got of the USMC in 1979 was yellow, and on bad days,my eyes would water. Now we have very high air pollution laws intended to keep our air clean. We have to SMOG test our cars before we sell them, or every two years here in CA. We have thousands of electric vehicles that do not pollute. We have emission standards for factories, trucks, etc. We now have wind and solar power. We are much more “clean”. When Covid 19 first started, most of the factories and cars in the world stopped operating. The air was very pure. But there were still floods, volcanos and fires. Yet when I read twitter recently, during the huge wild fires, all I read was “it is due to climate change”. This is propoganda drilled into the minds of the masses. Everybody “repeats it”, so it must be true.
Ever heard or read about an “angry” God judging sin through a natural disaster? God always judges the sins of the individual, and the world. He is always perfectly just. When fire and brimstone rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sinful sodomite lifestyle, God was giving us an example of how He deals with sin. It is the same today, God never changes. The many fires in CA , many started by lightening strikes, could it be that God is judging our sodomy, our adultery, our fornication, oir mutders, our denial of His existence, and many other sins. How about the worldwide covid virus, the flooding in China, the USA, and many other parts of the world. The famines, the droughts, and these all are increasing in their power and frequency. God is trying to get rebellious mans attention. It will escalate until we are into the judgments of the Great Tribulation, where the Lord said there would not be anyone left alive if He did not shorten those days. He has gone this far before, perhaps millions were drowned from the great worldwide flood of Noah.
Repent, give God the glory and ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, trusting completely in the blood He shed on the cross paying for your sins and arose from the grave three days later. Amen

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